The Aveiro Digital
Programme 2003-2006 aims to act as an engine for social, economic
and cultural development of the `Ria de Aveiro´ Region.
It delivers on the modernisation of services and the building of
competences in the region covered by the Association of Ria
The purpose of this document is to describe the Aveiro Digital
Programme Plan, a programme which will drive forward the development
of a wide range of projects financed under POSI (The Information
Society Operational Programme).
This programme is under the joint management of AAD – The Aveiro
Digital Association - and AMRIA – The Association of Ria
Municipalities. Project execution basically involves the contracting
out of the various projects, selected after a public bid process,
put forward by the specialists and beneficiaries in each
Intervention Area.
The projects and objectives organised into the 8 Intervention Areas
were all formulated under the guidance of AAD and AMRIA, with
contributions from local and regional development bodies.
Significantly, the projects presented in each Intervention Area have
concrete, focused characteristics, and results indicators with
clearly measurable objectives. The projects have been designed to
bring the various intervenients together, to make maximum possible
use of common strands of investment and to integrate and articulate
the more diverse initiatives.
Articulation with the National Information Society Plan has been an
underlying concern in measuring the success of the Aveiro Digital
Programme 2003-2006. To this end, the objectives put forward in each
Intervention Area are based not only on sector-specific critical
upgrading and modernisation targets, but also on the national
objectives set out in the POSI Main Strand: Portugal Digital.