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      O Programa Aveiro Digital 2003 - 2006 é co-finaciado pelo FEDER e pelo FSE através do Programa Operacional Sociedade da Informação
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Operations and Evaluation Procedures

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Presentation Icon  Programme  :  Operations and Evaluation Model :

The operational model used is based on well-tried methods and formats and is organised into a matrix:

  • Operational management of those projects in the ‘Digital Community’ Area is under the direct responsibility of the Programme’s Executive Committee, given that these projects correspond to the structural investments that the rest of the Programme is aligned to and leveraged by.

  • Operational Management of projects in the other Intervention Areas is under the responsibility of the relevant intervenients who, by means of the public bid process, contract with the Executive Committee of the Aveiro Digital Programme to ensure execution of the given projects.

The public bid process is designed to ensure that these intervenients meet stringent capability and financial status criteria, that they are suitably qualified to manage and lead the projects from the point of view of the clients of the relevant services and solutions, and that they can take on the various responsibilities relating to building and sustaining their projects.

Given the focused and concrete nature of both the projects and their objectives, it is to be hoped that the process of accepting and selecting candidatures will prove to be uncomplicated. In order to guarantee full transparency and impartiality, however, the evaluation and selection procedure will be published beforehand.

The evaluation and external audit system is based on annual operations reports, and justifications of the results therein, for all projects, including those in the Digital Community Intervention Area. It will impact directly on the acceptability of the financial and resource usage reports, and may give rise to corrective or alternative recommendations for the technical plans, their related budgets and any resulting contractual changes.

More specifically, the evaluation and external audit system includes the setting up and operation of a Permanent Evaluation Committee made up of experts in the areas of IT and development and of representatives of POSI, as the funding body.