Aveiro Digital Programme www.aveiro-digital.pt 
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      O Programa Aveiro Digital 2003 - 2006 é co-finaciado pelo FEDER e pelo FSE através do Programa Operacional Sociedade da Informação
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Presentation Icon  Programme  :  Sustainability :
The projects proposed in each Intervention Area basically involve the development of back offices and the computerisation of services with the overall aim of modernising and increasing efficiency levels in the organisations concerned. Given this, it is hoped that the projects will result in quantifiable benefits, including cost reductions and increased income. This will also result as a function of the investments made by the beneficiaries themselves.

The ‘Digital Community’ and ‘Social and Community Services’ Intervention Areas, however, and by their very nature, involve investments which will contribute to improving the community, not only in terms of assuring universal access to services and information, but also through the use of IT to built a more cohesive and inclusive society. In these areas, investment impact should be evaluated over the medium to long term.