Aveiro Digital Programme www.aveiro-digital.pt 
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      O Programa Aveiro Digital 2003 - 2006 é co-finaciado pelo FEDER e pelo FSE através do Programa Operacional Sociedade da Informação
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Overall Budget and Rationale

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Presentation Icon  Programme  : Budget and Funding Principles :

The nature of the operational model, together with the level of confidence and experience of the economic and social partners, means that an ambitious budget for the Aveiro Digital Programme 2003-2006 will reflect the sizeable challenge being made to the investment and modernisation capabilities of the community and project partners in the AMRIA region.

Detailed budget allocations should respect the form and principles of ERDF, ESF and POSI funding, particularly as regards the ratio between investment and current expenditures.

The expected level of funding for each Intervention Area is as follows:

IA1: Digital Community


IA2: Local Public Administration


IA3: Schools and Educational Communities


IA4: University and Academic Community


IA5: Healthcare Services


IA6: Social Solidarity


IA7: Regional Economy


IA8: Information, Culture and Leisure


Transparent and suitable cost-sharing processes will be identified for the ‘Digital Community’ and the ’Social and Community Services’ Intervention Areas, given their special nature and clear public and social value. These will include sponsorship by banks and companies whose contributions will be offset by an appropriately reduced level of ERDF and ESF funding for those projects which are business or commercial in nature.

Given the material objectives laid down for each Intervention Area, the nature of the investments to be made in front office systems directly impacting on process modernisation and people’s standards of living means that significant investment is needed in the organisations’ back offices and in the development and customisation of suitable  applications.

Thus, investment must take into account not only equipment, but also the development of software through third party developers, or, more limitedly, by using a project’s own resources. Training in the proper operation of the systems and applications will also be needed. Reasonable allowance for this investment must be made in detailed budgets.

Investment returns offered by the Aveiro Digital Programme 2003-2006 will be observable and quantifiable, in the short term, not only through greater service efficiency and company competitiveness, but also in staff competency levels.