Aveiro Digital Programme www.aveiro-digital.pt 
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      O Programa Aveiro Digital 2003 - 2006 é co-finaciado pelo FEDER e pelo FSE através do Programa Operacional Sociedade da Informação
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Presentation Icon  Programme  :  Geographic scope

The Aveiro Digital Programme 2003-2006 covers all the 11 municipalities in the AMRIA region, with a range of objectives designed to encourage modernisation and competency upgrade, at both the personal and organisational levels, and to positively impact on living standards in the ‘Ria de Aveiro’ region.

This geographical coverage enables a greater sharing of services and solutions. Processes and good practices can be disseminated through a wide variety of regional development bodies, expanding and multiplying the effect of the investments made.

The regional nature of this initiative also opens up new prospects and opportunities for the introduction of services which, by their very nature and multipoint architecture, would logically operate on an inter-municipal basis and which must be designed as such if they are to be of any use.

It is also understood, however, that investment distribution must follow the logic dictated by the specific nature of each service. It must also guarantee control over resource deployment and wastage, in order to ensure the effective and appropriate operationalisation of the commitments made under a Programme Contract.



Geographic scope