Aveiro Digital Programme www.aveiro-digital.pt 
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      O Programa Aveiro Digital 2003 - 2006 é co-finaciado pelo FEDER e pelo FSE através do Programa Operacional Sociedade da Informação
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Intervention Areas

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Presentation Icon  Programme  : Intervention Areas :

The projects are grouped into 8 Intervention Areas associated with the activity sectors and population segments found in the regional community, which is the end-user beneficiary of the programme:

  • IA1: Digital Community

  • IA2: Local Public Administration  

  • IA3: Schools and Educational Communities

  • IA4: University and Academic Community

  • IA5: Healthcare Services

  • IA6: Social Solidarity

  • IA7: Regional Economy

  • IA8: Information, Culture and Leisure